Projects and Programmes

Projects and Programmes

Since 1993 CESS has implemented a variety of short-term projects and long-term programmes. These range from fellowship programmes to policy studies and from high-level conferences to good governance training courses in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Projects and Programmes

Since 1993 CESS has implemented a variety of short-term projects and long-term programmes. These range from fellowship programmes to policy studies and from high-level conferences to good governance training courses in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

See below for an overview of current projects, or click here for an overview of completed projects.

EUCAM Central Asia

Monitoring the implementation of the EU-Central Asia strategy of 2007. It developed into the ‘go-to’ knowledge hub on Europe-Central Asia.
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BIHOS Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Bosnia and Herzegovina Building Inclusive Oversight of Security (BIHOS) project seeks to strengthen democratic governance and inclusive oversight of the security sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on state, entity, and canton level.

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DIOS Armenia

The ‘Developing Inclusive Oversight of Security’ (DIOS) project in Armenia seeks to contribute to a more inclusive process of governance whereby the Armenian Parliament is at the centre of democratic oversight of security.

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Merijn Hartog
Merijn HartogDirector
Contact me for more information.

Centre for European Security Studies

Lutkenieuwstraat 31a
9712 AW Groningen
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)50 313 25 20
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Centre for European Security Studies
Lutkenieuwstraat 31a
9712 AW Groningen
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)50 313 25 20
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