Projects and Programmes:
BOS Ukraine

BOS Ukraine

The ‘Bolstering Oversight of the Security Sector in Ukraine: Developing Relations and Capacity of Independent Oversight Actors’ project runs from February 2018 to February 2019 and is financed by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project aims to foster independent oversight of the security sector in Ukraine.

In BOS, CESS together with our Ukrainian partner CACDS, seek to boost knowledge of security sector governance amongst oversight actors and at the same time promote a better working relationship between independent oversight actors, such as civil society organisations, the ombudsman institution and the accounting chamber.

The project will consist of several training workshops and the publication of policy briefs where recommendations are provided with a view to strengthening capacity of security sector oversight actors.

DIOS Armenia

The ‘Developing Inclusive Oversight of Security’ (DIOS) project in Armenia seeks to contribute to a more inclusive process of governance whereby the Armenian Parliament is at the centre of democratic oversight of security.

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BIHOS Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Bosnia and Herzegovina Building Inclusive Oversight of Security (BIHOS) project seeks to strengthen democratic governance and inclusive oversight of the security sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on state, entity, and canton level.
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Merijn Hartog
Merijn HartogDirector
Contact me for more information about this and other projects.

Centre for European Security Studies
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9712 AW Groningen
The Netherlands
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