Training and Events

BIHOS Capacity-building

BIHOS Capacity-building

The BIHOS project (2023-2026) foresees in an extensive capacity-building component that addresses different target groups – members of parliament, parliamentary staff, civil servants, civil society actors, and students. We are planning the following activities:

Training courses

CESS will organise a series of sixteen training courses consisting of separate courses for stakeholders on state, entity, and canton level in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). These courses are meant for mixed groups of oversight actors (parliament, institutions, civil society, otherwise). The trainings consist of modules on specific issues, exercises, simulation games and other means of knowledge- and skills-transfer and interaction. The events should not only transfer knowledge, skills and techniques but also create a sense of joined purpose in capacity-building and oversight.

National meetings

In the national meetings we plan to bring senior representatives of the three levels of governance together around common themes of interest. Debate, training, sharing experiences and networking are combined in these gatherings.

Peer-to-peer trajectories

BIHOS includes flexible peer-to-peer trajectories whereby a seasoned practitioner or expert from an EU country closely works with a counterpart in BiH on a particular topic. CESS reacts here to local requests for advice and experience-sharing.

Young Professionals trajectories

The project foresees in training two groups of nine young talents in becoming ‘ambassadors of oversight’. The participants from all over BiH will be trained by CESS and partners; contribute to drafting and presenting papers; go on a study trip to The Hague; and are engaged at our partner’s institutions in Banja Luka and Sarajevo.

Training-of-trainers trajectories

Finally, a training-of-trainers trajectory is included to assure that capacity is built locally to organise and hold (BIHOS-inspired) training courses after the project is included.

Centre for European Security Studies
Lutkenieuwstraat 31a
9712 AW Groningen
The Netherlands

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