Training and Events

Cyber security

Cyber security

Securing and governing the cyber domain

We are all confronted with cyber threats – governments and individuals alike. To help address the challenge, CESS has teamed up with Rexnext – a leading strategic consulting firm in the field of cybersecurity and digital forensics – to deliver top-notch training on cybersecurity.

We work with civil servants and civil society to make them individually and institutionally more vigilant in recognising cyber threats as well as becoming more resilient in addressing a breach in cybersecurity. Our training courses include governance modules that address cyber strategy development, law drafting expertise, and oversight requirements as well as cyber-attack simulations and basic techniques of ethical hacking. Our courses – possibly connected to peer-to-peer or fellowship trajectories – have been welcomed as something innovative and exciting by participants that took part.

In the CESS BIHOS project we organised training courses with mixed groups of oversight actors on state-level in Bosnia as well as for similar groups in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska. In Armenia (DIOS project) we piloted cyber modules for civil society representatives and a group of young professionals of the Armenian Multiparty Democracy Academy.

Centre for European Security Studies
Lutkenieuwstraat 31a
9712 AW Groningen
The Netherlands

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